William McGuigan

William McGuigan Contact Information

Bill McGuigan is a veteran Angel investor who has invested in dozens of startup businesses and analyzed hundreds of them in his career. He started McGuigan Funding in 2005 and holds investments in many early-stage businesses. He has raised over $5 million for various startup companies since starting McGuigan Funding. When analyzing startup businesses for possible investment, he looks for the intuitive nature of the product or service; the size of the market; the founder and management team; the business plan; and the amount of capital/debt needed to achieve success. Bill founded Preferred Consulting in 1985 and grew it to $10 million in annual sales before selling it. Shortly after, he began his Angel Investing career. He is a member of Twin Cities Angel groups, Early Stage Investors, and various other entrepreneurial organizations. He is a member of several Boards of Directors and is actively involved in the management and oversight of his investments.

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